Sunday, 11 January 2009

Please Help and pass on. I thank you all.

Steph is a 35 year old wonderful woman who just needs a chance!.

Steph has been having treatment since she was 30 for cancer. . The Cancer started in her breast then to her bones and then to her liver.

There has not been a month gone by where Steph has not had treatment since her diagnosis in 2005

Back in October, Steph won the fight for Avastin as it was not available on the NHS in her local PCT. Unfortunately she was only able to have a few infusions as she then became very ill with ischemic colitis.

Since 24th Oct 08, Steph has been in and out of Brent Ward, Stonehouse ward and St Lukes hospice in Plymouth.

After speaking with Steph's oncologist in the past 2 weeks, we now know the prognosis. Because of the bone and liver cancer, there is about 5 months of Steph's life remaining, and that's on treatment!

There has been a lot of contact with a lady (Debbie) who is being treated by a Prof. Dr. Thomas Vogl in Germany. He thinks he can give Steph better treatment to prolong her life and not just give her quality of life. Debbie is now in remission.

Chemoperfusion is something that is not on offer here in the UK.

So, this Chemoperfusion will cost about 4000 euros per treatment and we believe Prof Vogl wants to try 3 sessions.

Bearing in mind Steph is very poorly, she needs this as soon as possible.

Steph attends the same Macmillan Centre as I do and I wanted to be able to spread the word about her fundrasing as much as I could. I know very few people have very much money spare not just because its after Christmas but also with the credit crunch, but if you could donate a £1 it would be a pound closer to Steph being given the chance of extra quiality of life as well as extending her life. Please please can you pass the link to my page onto all your blogging buddies. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Here is the link to be able to donate directly

Some extra links to read or watch about Steph.

Steph's groups on facebook, please join and leave her an uplifting encouraging message if you feel able to. Whilst funds are being raised, Steph also needs encouragement and her spirits to be kept high... Shes a fighter but why do it alone when there are so many good people out there who would love nothing more than to be part of her journey... in letting her know she is thought of.

Extra edit!

Today was also my mums birthday and as I have been feeling unwell.. ( its only the diabetes meds!! yuck) and not in a fit state for leaving the house, it suddenly come to me after first posting this that I might not have been able to take flowers anywhere but in posting this.... hopefully a ray of hope can be expanded for Steph..... that for my mum would be the best present I could give right now.