Friday, 29 August 2008

I'm still here... but no crafts to show...

I'd love to say that my absence has been due to having a varied and hectic social life... in fact its been due to being low in mood and sleeping loads...

I'm fine, this will pass... its only because I have so much going on in my head that its my safety zone to close down.... I have spoken to my doctor about it...

I have on the odd occasion done the odd crafting thing... but mainly painting chipboard flowers, covering them in glitter and dimensional magic. I think its my own therapy... :]

I thought I had better make a post as I received an email from Tracy who owns tracyjanecrafts who has noted that I have not posted.... which led me to slap my own legs and post this... (thank Q tracy)

Keep on taking care out there :]


Just Tracys Crafts said...

Honey look after yourself, funny though I have the same shut down mechanism.

Sleep really is the bodies way of rejuvenating.

Speak to you soon.


Christine (All She Crafts) said...

Sorry to hear you're feeling so blue, honey. Hope you feel better soon. If you need to email re. pending operations, etc, do feel free.

Sending you hugs,
Chris xx

Sammi said...

sorry to hear you've not been feeling great! Sounds like you need the sleep! hope things improve soon for you!

Sarah C said...

We'll keep on taking careout here as long as you keep on taking care in there too. Don't slap your leg too hard cos it'll hurt LOL

Sorry to hear you're not too good ATM. Let your body tell you what it needs and go with it as much as you can. It really does help ((((HUGS)))) xxx

Unknown said...

As long as you are ok....take care - ChrissyX