Having been away from my blog for so long now, its like starting over again......
Since my last post way back in the second week of November I have had a raging infection in my wound which was so bad that it ached to use my left arm.... yep I'm left handed! and combined with my pc keep shutting down... it made for a no show from yours truly...
Ten days ago just as the infection had started to go... a discovery was made as to why it was taking so long... I'm diabetic! with extremely high blood sugar results.. 27.1 on the last one... I'm seeing the doctor this morning for fasting cholesterol and another finger prick to see what the result is today.. I have been put on two different medications... the side effects of one is that you lose weight.. YAY!! and the other that you gain weight.. BOO!
I need to go visit the blogs of the people who left comments in my absence and to upload some cards that I received for my birthday and Christmas.
Thank you to ...... Linda, Chris, Emma and Tina xxxx
Monday, 29 December 2008
No cards just an update on my absence.
Posted by Just call me G at 12/29/2008 07:26:00 am 3 comments
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Unfinished/half started??
I'm having a bit of a tidy up (AGAIN) of my craft stash...
Totally ashamed of how many images I have coloured but zilch done with them, hundreds of different flowers, hearts, awareness ribbon punchies, etc all in the bottom of a "thats for tidying up" container... with another one exactly the same in the drawer full to the brim...
I'm guilty of opening more than one glue stick at a time.. why?
Brads in another "small bits to tidy up" container mixed in with small pieces of ribbon.
Envelopes and unused cards in a massive pile on the side.. instead of in the drawers bought for that purpose.!
And thats with having a small room that resembles a tupperware haven with a place for almost everything....
Someone please tell me they are the same.. or better still worse??!!!
Posted by Just call me G at 11/11/2008 07:19:00 pm 6 comments
Studio G clear stamps & Michael's
UKers - Have a look here at the amount of Studio G stamps there have been in the past...
USAers - I'm envious, no other word for it..... (starts saving for air fare to USA)
Posted by Just call me G at 11/11/2008 05:45:00 pm 1 comments
Monday, 3 November 2008
Not crafting but a must read for everyone, make a flask of tea/coffee first!
I'm on page 13 of this thread on moneysavingexpert at the moment, so would recommend to go back to the beginning.. when you have read it.. come back and let me know if you already do any of the money saving tips on this particular thread..
I have giggled more than half a dozen times reading it :):):)
Posted by Just call me G at 11/03/2008 07:16:00 pm 2 comments
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Please bear with me....
I'm having a play with blogger and will be adding to the side bars. if you were a follower can you re add if it doesn't do it automatically please..
I also want to be able to put a watermark on my photos so if anyone knows of a very simple to understand site ... shout my way... LOUD!!
I have a bit of a cold and am aching from yesterday so thought at least I could make a start on sorting out my blog..
Thanks a million
Posted by Just call me G at 11/01/2008 01:43:00 pm 5 comments
Friday, 31 October 2008
Breast Awareness Cards
I am about to leave to go up to the hospital to have a bit of seroma drained from under my arm, Dracula is obviously a bit kinky on the 31st!
I have over the past week made a few! cards to take up to the Breast Care unit to sell onto increase their funds a bit and also for patients/friends of patients to buy just to say.... I'm thinking of you...
I'm being a bit cheeky and entering the cards into two blog candy blogs too....
Suzanne over at http://slumbercards.blogspot.com/
Zoe over at http://bunny-zoes.blogspot.com/
who both have beautiful and generous candy on their blogs in support of Breast Awareness. Thank you both for making your blog anniversary's a celebration of Awareness.
Posted by Just call me G at 10/31/2008 12:41:00 pm 9 comments
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
part two ;-)
Thank you for all the comments on my last post.. and apologies for the delay in getting this post on line. I will get round to everyones blog individually over the next few days.
I stayed at my sisters at the weekend as her children went away with their dad so it was company for both of us. I did an interview with a local reporter on Monday to highlight hereditary breast cancers and to give some much needed PR for the genetic service and the local Macmillan drop in centre.
Last friday I ended up having to have some more seroma drained off... and it looks like I might have to go up again... as it looks like I have grown a small breast!
The time I spent in hospital set me up for afternoon naps! I had a 4 hour one this afternoon. The thought of keeping extra warm is a pull too, isnt it? its freezing...
Apart from tiredness and a bit of dizziness now and again.. tempered with a bit of nausea I am feeling fine.
Still not had any diet coke.... go me!!!
I will upload the cards I have made tomorrow.. I'm off for a nosey around the net now.. I am so out of touch with any new crafting items to *want* but not need.. ;-)
Posted by Just call me G at 10/28/2008 08:46:00 pm 4 comments
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Cooooeeee blogging world, I'm home....
Gosh, h ave you seen my title? Anyone would think I had one of those blogs that get a 100 hits plus a day... so start again>>>>>
Coooeee my wonderful blogging buddies... I'm home...
My operation went very smoothly on the Wednesday morning, Came around in recovery gabbled a bit to the nurses , zonked again and then came around in the Ward, both my sisters were there although I didn't remember that until the night.. a couple of hours after I came around, they let me have a cuppa tea... BLISS! about half hour after that, i had the most painful pins and needles in my left hand, I mentioned it to the aux nurse who went to get the Sister, in the meantime..... on looking down, there was blood everywhere... then all these very calm doctors gathered around taking bloods for grouping etc and a mention of a transfusion made me a bit more alert.. YUCK. Then my fantastic Consultant arrived and said he would have to take me down to surgery again...that was after using the heel of his hand to assist the draining ... bleurgh.... he almost filled a drain bottle, (well it is near Halloween) that hurt!. I was sooo unlike me..... super cool, waving to my bed buddies on the way out, with a cheery..... " Won;t be long, see you soon "
Awoke back on the ward, pressure bandaged up.... no need for a transfusion.. phew....
Will be back tomorrow with the rest of my week, I'm sooo tired now...
Thank you to Chris and Tina for my lovely cards,,, they were beeeeeeeautiful.
Posted by Just call me G at 10/23/2008 08:24:00 pm 10 comments
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
See you all soon!
I'm 3 weeks late in uploading this as my god sons 21st was on the 24th September! Richard prefers to be called Rik, plays in a death metal band, dresses very alternatively, does not know what the word conformity means but is a good lad.
Right this is the last post for a while as in less then 4 hours I will be in the hospital, yep cant sleep even though I'm shattered... Now that is a complete contradiction isnt it!! Stopped drinking milk based drinks at midnight and am boosting my water intake. I have been 11 days without drinking diet coke which is a biggie for me... Go Gina!!!! I am determined to beat this addiction...
Till next week when hopefully I can get back to blogging properly, along with entering a few challenges.
Stay safe xxx
Posted by Just call me G at 10/15/2008 03:27:00 am 5 comments
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Bluming eck! I almost did it again...
There I was having a looksee around this here blogging tinternet.... and this bright idea came to me that I would really like a three column blog like Emmas. I found one and thought... yep I'm going to go for this... I even went to save current settings but somehow it wouldnt save.. ( must be me!!!)
Then I stopped!!!!! as if I had gone ahead I would have lost it all again... YIKES!!!!
So I will have another try tommorrow when I do get around to blog hopping and commenting...
I'm going to make a neon flashing sign or something when it comes to me and my bright ideas...
Posted by Just call me G at 10/11/2008 11:05:00 pm 2 comments
Friday, 10 October 2008
I'm here... still.
Quick update..... I go into hospital on Wednesday morning... de ja vu? hehe
I have had woman flu that pretended it was man flu so I have spent time in bed reading..
I have made some cards for the Breast Care Unit which I will upload later.... and tomorrow I'm going to have a blog hopping day...
Spent some time helping my sister out and a couple of friends who are going through a hard time...
I have bought some crafty stuff ( pats self on back for selling stuff on ebay to finance purchases) I bought the heart nestibilities along with the scalloped edged ones too... I so love Cut@home... :D
Catch you later, you bunch of fabulous women.. ( and maybe the odd fella or two?)
Posted by Just call me G at 10/10/2008 06:09:00 pm 7 comments
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Thank you to the commenters on last post...
I reckon I have to admit defeat and start again..... its a learning curve eh!!
For now Im off to have something to eat then finish uploading to Ebay... then will come back to have a bit of a fiddle....
oh my god!!! my counter has gone too... (insert crying face and perplexed look too )
Its going to take a few days to get the blogs that I had on my side bar and the other things I liked having there too..
if you were on my side bar and you arent there at the moment... shout at me via comments... thank you xx
Posted by Just call me G at 9/24/2008 07:24:00 pm 6 comments
Help please!!!
I have lost all my links etc.... (insert crying face) I was trying to pretty up my blog and failed!!!
Can anyone talk me through how I reset my pc so that it goes back to yesterday and that any changes I have made will be undone???
Thank you in anticipation...
Posted by Just call me G at 9/24/2008 12:27:00 pm 4 comments
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Oooeeerr Missus.... I'm back already!!!
Just when you thought you would get some peace from the blurblings of yours truly... She appears on line when Shes meant to be in hospital recovering from surgery....( what's all that talking in the third person all about??? I'll blame it on the emotions being everywhere ;))
HA!!!! now thats where we were all wrong...
I was at the theatre door at 1245, marked up, sexy surgical stockings on, wearing a lovely white hospital friendship bracelet, a designer slit up the back funky nightgown.... and was told that due to an emergency earlier on which had put the whole surgery list back, with my wonderful gorgeously caring, understanding, empathetic (<<< I won't go on, you get the picture!!! he's fab) having to do a breast clinic this afternoon with no registrar backup to fall back on if he ran anymore over. We have built up a lovely rapport over the years I have been seeing him and he gave me a massive hug along with his sincerest apologies and will organise an emergency list asap and I will be first on it...
So the bag is staying packed.... new pjs cant be worn before hospital, it just wouldnt be right.. :)
My poor sis had been awake from 4am and looked totally drained at the end of it all... bless her cottons, shes seen me through loads of health stuff.... She got a hug from Mr D too...
I've text the folk who were coming up to see me... bless them they will have to eat the grapes themselves...
So just to say, thank you for all your continued support.. I'm off to bed for a while now... xxx
Posted by Just call me G at 9/17/2008 03:43:00 pm 8 comments
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Monday, 15 September 2008
Blog Candy, Thumbs up to moderation and more...
Superb candy over on Christines blog as well of course as wonderful inspiration, go have a look here >>>>>http://craftlingscosycorner.blogspot.com
Christine was one of the fore runners of the TAKE OFF THE VERIFICATION idea... which is probably one of the best things you can do for the readers and commenter's of your own blog, I did it and have never had a spam message since, so when people are afraid of getting loads of spam, it just doesnt happen! and if you should get a spam message, having user moderation gives you control of what does get shown on your blog comments.... how good is that?? brill I think.
I positively detest verification myself as reading a few letters jumbled up to represent what could be at least two different ways of reading the damn thing does nothing for my eyes and at times its taken that long to actually get the right letters that its given me a headache with that squinting you have to do..... inflicting pain is no good thing in my book.
I go into hospital on Wednesday morning... 0730!! and will later get around to the people who asked for my contact details..
I have made some thank you cards for the nurses on the ward and will upload them later,,, off to get some new pjs now .. xx
Posted by Just call me G at 9/15/2008 10:45:00 am 4 comments
Saturday, 6 September 2008
Poppicrafts cardboard flowers ..... and dating!
Still no cards!! but thought I would show a few of the therapy glittered flowers I have been doing...
I have spent a fair few evenings this past week helping a friend with setting up her pc and setting up profiles on facebook and a couple of dating sites... I've been a bit mother hen about it all! suffice to say after practically writing all her profile and answering the standard questions for her, she is getting a fair few mails rolling in. Am a bit concerned as most of them seem seasoned daters. (Takes off protective motherly hat!)
As I have not contribuated anything creative to write home about and instead have ohhh'd and ahhhh'd over the blogs on my list somewhere over there and down a bit>>>>>
I thought I would post a photo of my sister's dog Buddy... proving that he loves Marmite.. ( I had washed it out first!!) He is sooooo cute..
Posted by Just call me G at 9/06/2008 10:49:00 pm 6 comments
Thursday, 4 September 2008
Has she? has'nt she?
Nope!! I haven't made a card.... I wouldnt say my mo jo has gone, its just in hiding as my brain has loads of ideas but they dont seem to transpire into anything... I am however determined to make some thank you cards in prep for when I come out of hosp...
I did receive today in the post a set of long rectangle nesties.. YAY!!! how cool is Cut@home, megga cool in my books... I ordered them on the 27th August ... now thats super fast by anyones standards... and with the amazing discount, I decided to use the last of my paypal funds to buy them and some elzybell stamps. Now I have a wish list on my side bar of things I would like when I have sold some more items via ebay... This not working is affecting my stash addiction majorily... but in the scheme of things...it will teach me some more patience :]
Thank you thank you to those people who kindly left me messages on the previous post, you touched me immensely, the blogging community is awesome :] I will mail those who asked with my home address...
Again.. thank you soooooooooooo much.. xxx
Posted by Just call me G at 9/04/2008 08:36:00 pm 2 comments
Monday, 1 September 2008
I have my date for my mastectomy
I received a call from the surgeons secretary earlier to say that I am booked in on Wednesday of this week.... it was on my answerphone as I was being a hermit with regards to phone calls... (bad girl)
I went into instant flap as I have a v important legal meeting the end of this week.. Rang the hospital and they have now booked me in for the 17th September which gives me time to do the legal meeting and a few other things...
Maybe now I can stop doing nothing and start to prioritise my time a bit better. Still doing lots of colouring in and glitttering but not much else!
Posted by Just call me G at 9/01/2008 02:47:00 pm 8 comments
Friday, 29 August 2008
I'm still here... but no crafts to show...
I'd love to say that my absence has been due to having a varied and hectic social life... in fact its been due to being low in mood and sleeping loads...
I'm fine, this will pass... its only because I have so much going on in my head that its my safety zone to close down.... I have spoken to my doctor about it...
I have on the odd occasion done the odd crafting thing... but mainly painting chipboard flowers, covering them in glitter and dimensional magic. I think its my own therapy... :]
I thought I had better make a post as I received an email from Tracy who owns tracyjanecrafts who has noted that I have not posted.... which led me to slap my own legs and post this... (thank Q tracy)
Keep on taking care out there :]
Posted by Just call me G at 8/29/2008 01:40:00 pm 5 comments
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
YAY!! I used my poppicrafts blog candy voucher...
Yep, I only went and used it... I was becoming as maternal about the blog candy gift voucher as Emma over at Elf was... !!!
I thought it was only fair to let others know what I purchased with it... I did add a further ten pounds to it (including postage) but considering how much I got for the money. I'm pleased as punch.
I needed to treat myself so an extra special thank you to Emma for picking my name out in her blog candy....
10 Ribbon slot brads
12 Jumbo round brads - festive
2" daisy blooms - Black (5 pack)
2" spotty daisy blooms - White with Black spots (5 pack)
20 gold crown brads
20 holiday themed brads
20 jumbo round brads
20 Mixed chipboard flowers pack
20 piece metal eyelet charms - swirl
20 rose circle clips
20 Truck Brads
25 bright loopy brads
25 mixed buttons - Browns
25 mixed buttons - lilacs
3" spotty daisy blooms - White with Black spots (5 pack)
40 metallic screw top brads
6" Chipboard Daisies (2 pack)
Large shopping charms
Posted by Just call me G at 8/19/2008 10:47:00 am 5 comments
Saturday, 16 August 2008
I received this in an email and just had to share it.. :]
What, you ask, is 'Butt dust?' Read on and you'll discover the joy in it! These have to be original and genuine. No adult is this creative!!
JACK (age 3) was watching his Mom breast-feeding his new baby sister. After a while he asked: 'Mom why have you got two? Is one for hot and one for cold milk?'
MELANIE (age 5) asked her Granny how old she was. Granny replied she was so old she didn't remember any more. Melanie said, 'If you don't remember you must look in the back of your panties. Mine say five to six.'
STEVEN (age 3) hugged and kissed his Mom good night. 'I love you so much that when you die I'm going to bury you outside my bedroom window.'
BRITTANY (age 4) had an earache and wanted a pain killer. She tried in vain to take the lid off the bottle. Seeing her frustration, her Mom explained it was a child-proof cap and she'd have to open it for her. Eyes wide with wonder, the little girl asked: 'How does it know it's me?'
SUSAN (age 4) was drinking juice when she got the hiccups. 'Please don't give me this juice again,' she said, 'It makes my teeth cough.'
DJ (age 4) stepped onto the bathroom scale and asked: 'How much do I cost?'
MARC (age 4) was engrossed in a young couple that were hugging and kissing in a restaurant. Without taking his eyes off them, he asked his dad: 'Why is he whispering in her mouth?'
CLINTON (age 5) was in his bedroom looking worried. When his Mom asked what was troubling him, he replied, 'I don't know what'll happen with this bed when I get married. How will my wife fit in?'
JAMES (age 4) was listening to a Bible story. His dad read: 'The man named Lot was warned to take his wife and flee out of the city but his wife looked back and was turned to salt.' Concerned, James asked: 'What happened to the flea?'
TAMMY (age 4) was with her mother when they met an elderly, rather wrinkled woman her Mom knew. Tammy looked at her for a while and then asked, 'Why doesn't your skin fit your face?'
A Sermon I think this Mom will never forget...
This particular Sunday sermon began...
'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust...
'He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'
Spread the smiles!!
Posted by Just call me G at 8/16/2008 07:19:00 pm 6 comments
Friday, 15 August 2008
Half price punches.
I am around but falling to bits slowly!!! Had to pay a visit to the doctors the other day and must have caught a virus as feel urgh with an earache and sinus headache that will not shift.. well it will but just have to give it time..
I had an email from the craftsuperstore and thought I would give anyone who has'nt heard of them, the link especially as they have half price punches at the moment..
Happy shopping :]
Posted by Just call me G at 8/15/2008 12:20:00 pm 1 comments
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
In the good old USA... well NY to be precise
...... where is the best place to buy craft items...... really really cheaply.
I spoke to my god daughter mum earlier and she only went and booked a really quick holiday for her and Sarah (18) to have some bonding time in America... they go tomorrow!! Shes known for a week but forgot to tell me...
Shes taking her laptop so will await instructions from me as to what to get.. with not a lot of cash and morever not a lot of space... so they will have to get whatever on the last day there, they are going for two weeks and doing a lot of traveling as well as Y/Hostels...
So please can you give me some hints about places for her to visit - craft item wise!!
Thank you xx
Posted by Just call me G at 8/06/2008 10:15:00 pm 2 comments
Monday, 4 August 2008
Either Im tired or my eyes need testing...
You know when you go to the dashboard thing to publish comments.. and there is a bit that says...
You are not Spam...
I read it as >> You are not Sperm...
the keyboard is now wearing a mouthful of tea...
Posted by Just call me G at 8/04/2008 10:45:00 pm 4 comments
Do you ever get so hacked off with yourself you want to rub yourself out and start again??
IF so, let me know.... I probably wont be able to do anything to help you but just knowing that you are'nt alone might help a tiny bit...
I joke about being a bit of a hermit but to be honest its something about me that I really do not like.. yes I like my own company and being without children or a partner does allow me to stay stuck... or is that it allows me the refuge that people with children and other halves can not get when they are feeling like urgh?
I so wish I could be the person I was before the thing that I cant discuss for legal reasons.. and even when its all done which will not be for some considerable time yet, I know that I will never be the same person. I have had so much taken from my soul... ( deep man deep )
Anyway... moving on... miserable git that I was up there^^
Anything black on the cards below was cut from a GHD box... XX>> for my sister who knew I would want the box! I have some more cards to up load but for some reason blogger isnt letting me again...
Isnt embossing cool.... to think of the hours I sat there with my fiskars boards........... therapeutic though
Posted by Just call me G at 8/04/2008 09:06:00 pm 2 comments
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Its Emmas fault
Yep I blame Emma for my 4th blog background re vamp! I had a look at the cutest blog widget thingy on her profile and that was it... I was off!!!
I just wanted to say that... as I just changed it again... I'm even confusing myself which isn't hard to do anyway..... ;-)
Posted by Just call me G at 7/31/2008 05:21:00 pm 5 comments
Monday, 28 July 2008
The little things make a huge difference
Verifying comments on Saturday.... talk about huge smile... I was drawn as the winner on http://elf-creations.blogspot.com/ Emmas blog... it more than made my day, week and even had a bit of a rounder off in part of the year. (that sounds so cryptic!)
I went out on Saturday night... first time on a 'out on the town' evening... for well over a year.. boy, am I? getting old... it all seemed a bit desperate... but my friend enjoyed her birthday evening which was the main thing... Maybe if I had had a drink it would have seemed a bit different but not only was I driving but am on medication that doesnt need alcohol interfering with its work!
Turned into a bit of an insomniac lately and am trying to get myself back on a better sleeping pattern.. its a case of - DON'T look into my eyes, DON'T look around my eyes... ;-)
Anyway onto a few cards I have made but not put on my bl
The first two are the card I made for my sisters birthday and the 3rd is the one that Jordan made for his mum and the 4th is Chloes card for her mum and the 5th is one I made for a friend.
Posted by Just call me G at 7/28/2008 08:53:00 pm 6 comments
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Missed you all
My pc did that breaking down thing again... (insert the look of despair) and then when it was well healthy and back home on its little desk that had missed it so much, I got a sty on my eye (poet or what!) and couldnt manage to look at the screen let alone type anything coherent ( like I do anyway!!!???) but its better now.. still hurts underneath but I'm 'ard and can bear it... ( watch me moan later!)
Update >>
No appointment yet for mastectomy. Received a letter for my pheo check up which I will ring tomorrow to find out the date of the appointment (hosp using a different booking system now )
I have also been cat sitting, bless her Chalky is a pretty white cat who spent the last week here with me, took a few days for her to settle in but then she got well settled and seemed very much at home. Took her home today :( I had her an extra couple of days as I had a pirate day yesterday (pirate day = couldnt open my eye properly) so driving was a bit of a no no.
Have been giving my sister a fair bit support as she copes with her exhusband doing the emotional pressure thing on the children at the same time as threatening her with stopping maintenance/losing their newly built house.. I won't print my thoughts on this here as its an open page, suffice to say I'm sure that I am not alone in my thoughts about the mentality of exes who use their children at the end of a relationship. Its sad enough for the children to know their dad chose another woman over their family life.
I havent done very much crafting.. due to the pirate eye thing... but did today go to the local craft shop, how good was I, I only bought 4 single doodlebug papers... It was quite funny whilst I was there as I was doing the chatting to another crafter about how lovely some papers were but that we were not taken with the prices. All of the sudden she slipped her hand in her pocket and like a secret agent passed me a business card about scrapbooking lessons... I was expecting a steam train to pull away next to us... and for me to fall over in a pair of high stilettos whilst tilting my trilby and adjusting my flasher mac.
I also had a lot of emails from my solicitor to answer so fully expect my system to go all out of sync again as this is what normally happens... I can make a bit more of a start on my book now my eye is not so bad...
Thanks to Emma for her comment that I logged onto earlier on... it does show how blogging is a community ... :o)
Posted by Just call me G at 7/24/2008 08:15:00 pm 5 comments
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Sale at Poppicrafts till the 13th
15% off everything at Poppicrafts... >>> see link on side panel.
I have bought masses of buttons and brads via this online store with great service.
A £10 voucher for Poppicrafts is the scrummy candy over at http://elf-creations.blogspot.com where you will find a giggle worthy blog with lots of bright inspiration...
Posted by Just call me G at 7/08/2008 11:50:00 pm 3 comments
Sunday, 6 July 2008
The next few days
I want to catch up with blogs... :-)
and carry on decluttering here at home.. I really really am fed up with 'things' and how I have spent so much money over the years on replacing things just because... buying clothes, bags, shoes, makeup, etc just because.. I have clothes with tags on in size 8, 10, 12 and 14... and they dont fit... yep I might get down to the 14 but the rest... I seriously doubt it!!!
And the small sizes are things like Laura Ashley dresses bought in 1987!! so good for Ebay almost vintage section.. ;-) so have to get my backside in gear and list them!!!
I also have a very large box of fabric that has been with me for 10 years that I have done nothing with... so tomorrow its going to the Macmillan centre where I know one of the ladies is always wanting good cotton fabric for quilting...
I have four bags of clothes for charity shops..... do you share your charity bags out? I do... luckily they are all close to one another... I feel guilty if I don't...my friend laughs at me.
What are you doing in the next few days?
Posted by Just call me G at 7/06/2008 08:15:00 pm 5 comments
My last few days
Friday..... Had my pre teen niece and teenager nephew over to stay for the evening to go buy their mum a birthday present and to make her cards and a gift... we had Buddy with us too.... I have realised that although in my past I may have had to mediate between feuding young women in a hostel I worked and lots of similar establishments... the fights that those you love have are far more harder to contend with... it involved Buddy's toy being slapped across my nieces leg... and her doing her demon from the sea impression and whacking him across the head(OUCH) with a chewy thing on a rope, it was hard plastic. It was a defined crack and I grimaced, him being the Hulk when angered I thought was going to turn green and show his wrath.... instead he cried and I spent ages consoling him and throwing her daggers as she sat smiling... whilst we were discussing, bonding and having some hugs, the three of us were unaware that Buddy had chewed through the lead to my carpet cleaner.. little bu**er.
They made up... thankfully... Its not been an easy few months for them as their mum and dad spilt up 11 months ago...lets just say Jordan my nephew has no respect for his dad considering his dad played away whilst working away... J has clear values and principles and no amount of excuses etc will shift him. Chloe is more confused..
A few months ago my sister started seeing someone else and by accident the children met him, hes a nice guy, good values and not about to rock what stability the family are holding onto. The children are super cool with him. as he doesnt push any boundaries and shows an interest in them. He has no children himself. He listens to J's biking stories of which he has many!!!
We were meant to be putting one of the mattresses on my bed on the floor for J to sleep on, yep! I have two... just call me Princess G ;-) . It got a bit late so they just ended up top and tailing.. and I ended up a couple of hours making a bed up on the floor... so didnt sleep well....
Saturday saw us getting up early for J paper round and myself and C wrapping their mums gifts in the car after taking buddy for a long walk... and then the winkles surprising their mum with their hand made cards... :-)
Their mum had been out the night before to see Jimmy Carr and had not made it back to the car park in time before it closed!! so had to be in on the Sat morning to get it... so that sorta put things back a bit... we went to collect it and then the four of us went for a brunch at 1115....
We had a really nicely relaxed time before I took J to get some euros as he is going to Germany tonight with the school... he has to be there at 2350....
After meeting my sis and C back at their house and my sis opening her presents from the winkles, I came home, went to the library to collect some books I had had reserved. ( am being a good girl and using it instead of opting just to buy a book whilst shopping... and its literally 3 mins walk away from me.. so how bad have I been in the past when I did have a fair bit of spare cash.... VERY BAD)
I ended up going to bed at 8 pm last night.. how exciting eh! alone with a book...
Today I got up, cried at the Holly oaks omnibus ( I used to detest this soap but my niece got me into it and we have discussions about it so I have to be up to speed on who is who and who is doing what) had a mini sort out of my card and paper scraps.. ignored the house work and went to bed to read for a few hours as I couldnt be bothered to do anything else...
This lethargy will pass
I have spent a bit of time being annoyed at my ex bro in law this weekend as he didn't even think about how the children would feel about making sure their mums birthday was special... well he may have thought about it but didnt do anything for the kids... They do get a fiver pocket money and J does have his paper round.. but bearing in mind he is off to Germany and C is going to Spain at the end of the month with her best friends family.... he could have done as my sis did when it was his birthday and continued to go with them to get something and cards... . He does have a new girlfriend which probably is taking up a bit more of his attention..
I will post their cards and mine for their mum in the next few days... we forgot to take some pics!!! though we did take some stunning ones in Matalan of all places with them wearing chicken head and rabbit costumes... its good to have fun that costs nowt!!
Posted by Just call me G at 7/06/2008 07:18:00 pm 1 comments
Thursday, 3 July 2008
I shouldn't have done that...
Eaten a whole packet of Haribo kiddies supermix. >>>>800 calories worth <<<<< just before bed when I was really tired... as now my eyes are sore but my mind is on overdrive...
Bad bad bad girl!!!!
Will be back tomorrow to catch up with blogs...
Posted by Just call me G at 7/03/2008 10:16:00 pm 5 comments
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
My first Challenge Card- Spoonful of Sugar
I was drawn to this one in particular as I have a bit of a thing for circles.. its that never ending thing and what I say to my niece and nephews about how much I love them... it does'nt stop there is no end...
I used
DCWV paper stack
Sweet Ebony picking apples stamp
Prismas to colour with a smattering of stickles on the flowers..
Nestibilities for all the circles apart from the actual card which was cut around a milkpan!
Bit of doodling around outer circle
Tag attached to ribbon via circle loop brad..
Posted by Just call me G at 7/01/2008 11:40:00 pm 10 comments
Sunday, 29 June 2008
21 years ago today.
My Mum passed away. I spent the end of last week churning up inside thinking about the date... and you know what?? Yep, I forgot the date today... now was this because I had Jordan stay over last night and today we made an almighty start on clearing my loft or because somewhere deep down I have accepted that the date is of no significance in reality... as every day is another day without her. Whilst in the loft, in among some pictures was a framed poem with a tiny photo of mum on it.. I put it to one side and brought the rest down for a car boot sale and because with Jordan's music on and him singing away :D I didnt want to bring the mood down at all...
It was a while later that my sis ( Jord's mum) asked me if I was going to the cemetery (I'm normally the only one who goes as the other two have their own way of showing their respect etc) I was really taken back that I had not woken up knowing the date... its so unlike me.. I decided not to go, instead I will wander up one day in the week... when the feeling comes over me.
Here is a photo of her taken at age 23 which was the age I was when she passed away.
She would have so loved her grandchildren...
RIP my angel xxx
Posted by Just call me G at 6/29/2008 07:04:00 pm 5 comments
Saturday, 28 June 2008
I can't
Tut tut @ ME!!!!!
I have a fair few "I can't" things going on in my life at the moment that legally I am unable to discuss... and on top of being a scaredy cat and a hermit a lot of the time, its pretty damn frustrating considering the person I have been at many times in my past ( think strong, confident, funny, determined, resilient etc )
On having another sort out of another box.... I came across a piece of paper that has no date on it.. but must related to some low point in my life.. it says
You don't know what you can do until you have to do it......
I have put it in my purse!!!! instead of in a box.... and am going to scrap that piece of paper along with a few photos I have of me doing stuff I never thought I could...
For now..... I am off to take my nephew for a very belated chinese lunch ( cheap set menu!) I hate to not do what I said I would do... and as I have been very good lately with the budgeting thing.. I'm going to spend time with Jordan.... ( the fact that I have from when I had a fair bit of spare dosh, two credit notes from sports shops will help this afternoon... :-) ) I might as well let him have them.... he gets less of my time etc then his younger sister...
I'll be back later with a few cards and stuff...
Hope everyone is healthy and as happy as they can be considering their own personal circumstances... xxx
Posted by Just call me G at 6/28/2008 12:03:00 pm 3 comments
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Here is a AWWWWW moment for you all.. :o)
Thought I would share a few pics of my niece with Buddy, hes a 5 month old Puggle (Pug/Beagle) Chloe has taught him to High 5!!
This photo was pure fluke... I called him and on the second flash he had turned around... we sat giggling for ages once we realised we had caught him in such a cute cute poise... I am actually sat here giggling at it again!!
Awww, that rule about not picking him up like a baby and having him on the sofa didnt last long did it?
Posted by Just call me G at 6/24/2008 11:05:00 pm 4 comments
Monday, 23 June 2008
Passing on the tagging.... and cheating a bit too!!
As I said further down, I would be back to tag folk.... well I'm going to tag 5 people... with both tags... if they already have done one of them further down their blog that I havent seen, I apologise. I have put both sets of questions here to make it easier to copy and paste them.. ( just call me ever helpful * insert devilish angel here* I tried to tag the blogs that do not seem to have been tagged previously by either set of questions...
btw... I havent worked out how to take the underline off t his message!!!!
Feel free to leave comments on my answers further down :-)
1. It is the 'This or That' tag..
Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream:
Big Mac or Whopper:
Coke or Pepsi:
Beer or Wine:
Coffee or Tea:
Apple Juice or O.J.:
Facebook or MySpace:
Summer or Winter:
Windows or Mac:
Cats or Dogs:
2. And the other tagging is >>>
I tag......Tracy at
and Emma at
and Zoe at
and Dawny at
and finally Lizette over on
Happy answering and tagging to you all....
Posted by Just call me G at 6/23/2008 11:06:00 pm 0 comments
Another tagging
I was painting the town red as much as I could...as well as getting in touch with my spiritual side It was two years since my first diagnosis and discounting the first year that was taken up with surgery, chemo and radiotherapy, when I hadnt done that much apart from get by day to day, I was doing what I should have been doing in my late teens/early twenties... it was also 2 years since my marriage had ended and with the year out for medical stuff, I discovered a side of me that needed to play!! ;-)
I was working in a hostel for homeless women and loving it... Attending the Spiritualist Church in Bolton where I made a life long friend, Joanne. I was also loving my home, that may sound strange but after having had a flood that destroyed all of the downstairs and two bedrooms, the house was given a new lease of life at the same time I had been going through some medical stuff... so all in all it was all about starting again... and of course removed all signs of my ex husband and his *tart* (<< not bitter, just honest as to my feelings at the time.. now I don't give a damn, she did me a massive favour!!)
I could give you a list of 5 thousand!! but things that I reckon I will do are...
1. Go to the relaxation group at the macmillan centre... I have been a hermit for far too long and feel the *need* to attend.
2. Email my solicitor this evening
3. Buy some fresh provisions...
4. Make a card for a friend to give her friend for her 60th birthday...
5. Tag people for the questions on my previous tagging and for this one...
Cheese! sadly i'm a bit of cheese addict... cheese on toast with a smattering of worchester or brown sauce with loads of black pepper, cheese and crackers, pringles and dips... any dips!
cheese, crisp and salad cream sandwiches.. (I know!! gross)
I'm not really a sweet snacker... which is a good job considering the calories in the things I do like...
This isnt a snack so much but something that will make anyone reading this doubt my taste buds as well as my 'normalness' I love brussel sprouts with gravy and salad cream... * My sister can not be in the same room when I have this, I wonder why ???? hehehe*
This depends on if it was a million or a few...
A few would allow me to set up a resource to help the most disadvantaged homeless people with no pressure on them having to conform to societies demands but still enable them to be safe and warm.
If it was not enough to do this, and thinking only of me and mine... I'd sell this house, and buy a house over looking the sea... with a veranda! and a large back garden so I could grow my own vegetables and fruit.. obviously it would have a purpose built craft room which had a view of the sea...
I'd make sure my sisters mortgages were paid off.. and my friends Wendy/Richard.
I'd make a donation to the Macmillan Centre and use some of the money to go and visit different countries and experience cultures that I hold in awe.... I would also ensure that I saw the Northern Lights...
I'd put some aside in trust until my nephews and niece reached 21 to help them with what is going on in their lives at that time.
A craft shop would be nice.. ;-)
Totnes, Launceston, Plymouth, Salisbury, Liverpool, Chippingham, Germany, Bolton, Plymouth.
I have to pass this on to 5 others!! and will come back and do that later :0)
Posted by Just call me G at 6/23/2008 11:38:00 am 2 comments
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Now thats what I call blinking brilliant
Hannah and Zoe are two young crafters who have set up their own challenge blog... for under 16 year olds.. they will be setting a challenge one a fortnight, Go have a look and if you have children who are interested in cardmaking etc... this might be exciting for them...
Go Girls!!!
Posted by Just call me G at 6/22/2008 11:08:00 pm 2 comments
Decisions, decisions....
Do you ever get that you look at the amount of milk you have left and think... it'll last till tomorrow because you just can not be bothered to go out... knowing if you do you will end up buying stuff that you don't really need..... thats me today!
Today is going to be a really lazy pampering day I think, well I should say afternoon... as the morning has already past...
Last night I went to bed at 7pm, I know, a saturday evening and I'm in bed reading... talking to my friend about it, she gave me the excuse I needed for my tiredness..... I have spent the past 20 years rushing around, stressed beyond belief, not to mention the run ins I have had with some health probs... but they are hopefully all behind me now... so Thank You, Gill. You are right, my body and brain are probably readjusting to a more sedentary way of life... or I'm a lazy moo!
I have made a few cards over the past couple of days which I will upload later but for now... I'm going to have a long relaxing bath..... and give my hair an intensive conditioning whilst wearing a face mask... and I will not be answering the door to anyone!!!!
Posted by Just call me G at 6/22/2008 12:28:00 pm 4 comments
Friday, 20 June 2008
Achievemnt Candy giveaway
Emma has some candy to give away.... why??? go see and smile...
Am so glad I blog hopped from Me'n'lilG's blog :-)
Posted by Just call me G at 6/20/2008 10:35:00 am 1 comments
Thursday, 19 June 2008
First Kerry Jo card
How bad am I? Had to buy the Kerry Jo stamps but only just got around to making a card!!
Made this for a friends birthday, shes a bit of a goth/rock chick.... and doesn't really do cute - unless its puppies..
Posted by Just call me G at 6/19/2008 01:54:00 pm 3 comments
Been Tagged!
After having a low low period this past week or so, I have given myself a shake... and a verbal slap!
I have to go back through all my comments later and reply accordingly... and also go way back to thank someone for an award, upload some cards, get my PIFs ready for posting... and a whole host of house related stuff... but first.. a bit of light hearted stuff... I'm going to answer the questions that Heather over on Craftlingscosycorner (>> link on side!) tagged me with....
It is the 'This or That' tag..
Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream: Im not brilliant at making choices when it comes to ice cream!! living in Devon will show you why!!!! If pushed I'd say Vanilla... but with choc swirls!!!
Big Mac or Whopper: Neither.... I'm more of a chicken nuggets girl!!! or a mini fillet burger with lashings of the pepper sauce..
Coke or Pepsi: Am totally addicted to Diet coke but will drink Diet Pepsi... due to financial changes Im having to try cheaper versions - urgh... but maybe in the long run it will help the addiction..... yep its that bad that I do get headaches if I dont drink it...
Beer or Wine: This is where I sound megga boring... as ordinarily its a definite neither.... unless its gluwein after sking!!!
Coffee or Tea: Tea for me.... not too strong and quite a bit of milk... coffee only made with all milk... occasionally
Apple Juice or O.J.: Freshly squeezed orange juice. With bits. (<<< that was Heathers answer and I'm not changing it as I'm the same)
Facebook or MySpace: Tried Myspace but couldnt get the hang of it... Regularly use Facebook but not all those silly applications... I use it to keep in contact with friends all over the UK and beyond...
Summer or Winter: See this is when my indecision kicks in again!! I love winter when its all cosy inside but then I get all :( at the thought of people who are homeless and living on the street so I would have to say Summer but not so that its that hot that people get irritable, I detest driving when its hot... unless I'm a passenger with the windows open! I love long Summer evenings... though if I had children who didnt want to go to bed, I might not think the same, eh!
Windows or Mac: Never used a Mac to compare but do like the sleekness of how they look... but not the price
Cats or Dogs: Growing up. I would have said YUCK neither... I was so prim when it come to cats and dogs being a pain with the fur, mess etc... Now I am a dog lover far more than cats...though I do like cats, only because of my experience with having a dog... 19 years ago my now ex husband kept on about us getting a dog... bearing in mind he was in the Army, I was a practice manager of a medical centre and we lived in Germany.. ( in a ground floor flat!) it was neither practical or fair was my excuse ..... but he arranged for A friend to bring around a boxer pup one evening... I knew about it and was not pleased at all..... (think raised eyebrows and THAT face!!!) In she walks with this tiny little face peering out of her jacket... she placed him down on the floor... he looked straight at me with the most beautiful blue eyes and skin that was all baggy.... then ran along the carpet (brand new, silver/white) and pee'd as he went...
My now ex and our friend looked at me..... and I said..... ohhhhhhhhh can we have him? please let us have him....
Yep, I fell in love..... BIG STYLE
As this was still in the time when he would have to go into quarrentine in the future when we returned to the UK, I set up his bank account... so we would have no worries or decsions to make when that time came..
It was so funny as my ex was expecting by taking him to a Boxer Club that he would be this ferocious 'hard' dog.. nope not Tyson, he was the softest thing on four legs... and had a personality that so many people fell in love with... definitely best friend material.
I did all the stuff that you shouldnt do.... let him on the furniture, bed etc... such a change from how I had been...
When going through divorce, my main concern was that I got Tys!!!! and then when going through chemo... he was the reason the got fresh air every day... one time I fell asleep on the sofa at approx 2pm after having a chemo session... without knowing it... I slept for 26 hours... Tys had slept at the bottom of the sofa, drank all his water, ate his food and not cried to go out... bless his bladder! it was only when I woke and checked the phone that I had turned the ring down on, that I realised it was Thursday at 4pm and not the Wednesday!!! What a star, Tys was...
Tyson lived until almost 14 years old which is a very good age for boxers... and 5 years later I still miss him every day....
Its been good writting about Tys, so thanks for the tag, Heather...
I'll be back later to tag some folk... ;-)
Posted by Just call me G at 6/19/2008 12:03:00 pm 2 comments
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Blog candy alerts...
Monica has some lovely lovely blog candy up for grabs... along with loads of lovely craft inspiration and insight into her family life...
Becky has some 'just because' blog candy to give away.... lovely thought and gesture along with lovely inspiration..
Posted by Just call me G at 6/18/2008 09:44:00 pm 0 comments
Saturday, 14 June 2008
Blog hopping is good for the soul
I was feeing particularly lonely and all out of sorts with myself tonight, having not had a few good days... sadly not something I can write about here due to some legal stuff but in the future that will not be a problem, anyway after spending most of yesterday evening, last night and today in bed reading a chicklit book..... anything to distract me from what is going on! and of course downsizing and decluttering my house in preparation for having to sell it.. I sat blog hopping...
Get me, along with the not feeling good about myself I even felt urgh that my blog was lonely having had only two people even pass by in 24 hours.. now that is feeling sorry for myself in the highest, if ever I saw it!!
My hopping led me to http://scrapwithlizette.blogspot.com/ which holds not only fantastic inspiration on the card making front but also fantastic tutorials as well. Moreover the side info had a link to ...
which is a blog from a mother who will take your breathe away at her fortitude. Its very sad as well as uplifting in places. You need to read from the bottom up each month and go into archieves to get to the start of the families story...
The music will haunt your soul.... in a good way....
Posted by Just call me G at 6/14/2008 11:32:00 pm 7 comments
Friday, 13 June 2008
Monday, 9 June 2008
Blog Candy alert
Scrummy blog candy over at ^^ along with a lot of inspiration and smiles.... well worth a cuppa and a read..... I've linked to my favs so that I will be back again and again....
Also over on http://craftycoo.blogspot.com
There is lovely blog candy ending 11th June .
Also on ..... http://jozzasblog.blogspot.com/
Jozza is also giving away candy, this is open until Wednesday 18th June. The winner will be announced on Thursday 19th June
And over on http://nikkiscardsandnews.blogspot.com/
is blog candy with a difference..... go see!!!!
Posted by Just call me G at 6/09/2008 03:36:00 pm 1 comments
Saturday, 7 June 2008
Blog Candy over at >>>>
Fabby blog even if you decide not to enter for the blog candy...
Posted by Just call me G at 6/07/2008 11:54:00 am 2 comments
Friday, 6 June 2008
Been Touting for for PIF takers!!
I posted a thread on Docrafts to get someone to take me up on the image PIF and now have two takers... YAY!!!! I'll be doing some stamping over the weekend as well as tomorrow evening getting ready for the Race for Life on Sunday.... myself and my niece Chloe will be taking part... Apart from decorating our t shirts in preperation and we are going to stamp pink awareness ribbons on white ribbon for our hair... we are going to have a crafting evening... just me and Chloe... I have bought her a blank pen holder for her to decorate... and am going to let her go wild with whatever she wants to use of my stash.... * without going all wide eyed when she goes overboard with using bling and flowers..*
If you want to take a look over there>>>> by clicking on the donate button, you will see our just giving page... obviously I would love more people to donate but even if you just read our family story then in some form we are still passing on the message about genetic cancers.. and in the short term, awareness is the key enabling prevention before a cure is discovered..
Posted by Just call me G at 6/06/2008 11:07:00 pm 2 comments
Sunday, 1 June 2008
Stamping PIF
I received a fantastic Stamp PIF from Heather over at Craftlingcosycorner >>> link over there>>>
To play the game, all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me that you want to participate, and the first three people will receive pifs of a selection of images from my stamps on smooth white card, stamped in Staz-On, so you can colour them yourselves. Don't forget to mail me your address, my email is over there >>>>
Then you must post about this on your blog and send out another three pifs from yourself to three other people.
There may be a short delay in sending the stamped PIF out as I have just ordered some of the fantastic white smooth card that Heather sent my stamped images on.,..... its pure lush...
Posted by Just call me G at 6/01/2008 01:18:00 pm 3 comments
Saturday, 31 May 2008
My first Scrapbook
I apologise for the mix of the layout, my adding photo skills need improving greatly!! This is the first scrap book I made back in March 2008 for my 12 year old nieces birthday. I had a week to make it and was pleased with the amount of work I fitted into that week as I had other non craft related things going on too....
Chloe is a gem of a girl and anyone would be proud to be her Auntie... I know I certainly am.... I am not in a position to buy for her the things I used to but her depth of appreciation and pride when showing her scrapbook off to her friends and ballet teacher as well as my sister telling me that Chloe had told her that her best birthday present had been her scrapbook shows that even in our now possession orientated society, she can see beyond that.
This is one of my all time favourite photos of Chloe... its like you can not help but smile when you look at her face... pure joyThere are an assortment of photos in this little notebook, I made it removable so that Chloe could flick through them seperately
Chloe had waited years to be a bridesmaid!! and carried out her duties as being the eldest bridesmaid extremely well
Our Chloe has always been into her dolls.. from being a baby herself.. bless her, the photo with the red pj bottoms was just after Christmas and she was full of flu... The last one on the second page was her last doll... Rosie who is a born again doll... she still smells of baby powder now!Chloe has hankered after a puppy for years and finally her mum gave in and Buddy now rules their lives!
Posted by Just call me G at 5/31/2008 12:13:00 am 3 comments